Equestrians: 5 Things to Get Your Day Started by Equestrianista
Posted on October 04 2016
We all know that it can be hard to get yourself going in the morning, especially if its not to head to the barn to kiss the muzzle of your pony! Although, life or work calls and why not - it does pay for that horse waiting for you. We've put together 5 fun things that just may help get you going in the morning!
1} A Yummy Smoothie - Forget the cereal or toast, throw some good-for-you leafy greens camouflaged by some yummy fruit in a blender and sip away. A smoothie is an easy way to pack in skin enhancing, energy boosting (and we know we need those for our time in the saddle), healthy ingredients.
2} Fabulous Fashion - A great piece that can be thrown on over some comfy basics and give you instant style is a thing of beauty! We are in love with our plaid blanket scarf. This Plaid Blanket Scarf is an on-trend piece that can be seen on almost every top fashion blog and goes from wrap to scarf in one easy step. Perfection!
3} Go-To Lips - Whether you're a minimalist when it comes to your makeup or you like your face fully strobed, a great lip is a necessity either way. This season any hue of red is a win. So go with a clean face, few strokes of mascara and a layer of red lip gloss or grab your entourage of Mac cosmetics and end with a finely applied burgundy lip. It will make you feel ready to rule the day!
4} A Little Pick-Me-Up - We've all felt it - that mid-morning crash. Grab some protein to boost your energy. Anything from jerky, Greek yogurt, to a great trail mix. Something as simple as a high-protein snack may give you the energy after a long day to push on and get in some barn time and a satisfying schooling ride.
5} End Cap - What gets you going in the morning better than knowing what's in store later in the day! Treat yourself after a manic Monday, fried Friday, or less than perfect ride. A spa-like bath can soothe the mind, body and soul. Add some aromatherapy that doubles as a hug for your skin by pouring your favorite essential oil into a steamy bath. Then sit back and enjoy the bliss!
xoxo Julie - Equestrianista Founder